Comparison Tables
Dex vs sports drinks
Dex vs Nutricia PreOp drink comparison
Despite being present in Nutricia PreOp Drink, the % of RDI for each of these minerals is not significant relative to the % recommended daily intake.
Nutrition Information Panel

Interesting Articles
Trauma, (February 2022).
Author: Marshall, Laura, Georgina Johnston, Katherine Martin, Mark Fitzgerald, and Simon Hendel.
Dex® carbohydrate drinks in trauma patients fasting preoperatively – A patient satisfaction study
Prior to the introduction of Dex® 14 satisfaction evaluations were completed. A further 13 evaluations were returned after Dex® was made available. Post-traumatic amnesia accounted for some patients being unable to complete the evaluation. Patients who completed the satisfaction evaluations after Dex® was introduced reported higher satisfaction in all but two variables (‘Headache’ and ‘Staff Annoyance’). ‘Hunger’ median scores were 7 (95% CI, 5–8) prior to the introduction of Dex® and 3 (95% CI, 2–6) after its’ introduction (p = .004). ‘Thirst’ median scores were 7.5 (95% CI, 6–10) and 4 (95% CI, 3–8) prior to and after Dex® introduction, respectively (p = .018).
Rural SIG meeting Cradle Mountain July 2015
Dr David Rowe FANZCA VMO Anaesthetist, Armidale Rural Referral Hospital
Dr Rowe is Australia’s leading expert in carbohydrate preoperative drinks. His podcast on the ANZCA website is essential listening. Dr Rowe is the Chair of the Rural Special Interest Group.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Volume 44/Number 1/January 2016 pg 107-110
Author: Y. Buller, C. Sims
Prolonged fasting of children before anaesthesia is common in private practice.
A prospective audit in a private hospital in Western Australia revealed 62% of children fasted longer than 4 hours for clear fluids. An education strategy was then implemented in the hospital to empower nurses to contact anaesthetists if children were likely to fast more than 4 hours amongst other strategies. Despite this intervention there was no improvement in clear fluid fasting times.
Paediatric Anaesthesia 2015; 25:770-777
Author: Andersson H, Zaren B, Frykholm P
Low incidence of pulmonary aspiration in children allowed intake of clear fluids until called to the operating suite.
In Sweden at Uppsala University Hospital children are allowed to drink clear fluids until called to the operating suite. They recently completed a retrospecitve audit of 10,015 paediatric patients and revealed aspiration in 0.03% of cases (3 in 10,000). No case of aspiration required cancellation of the surgical procedure, intensive care or ventilation support and no deaths attributable to aspiration were found.
Conclusion: Shortened fasting times may improve the perioperative experience for parents and children with a low risk of aspiration.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Author: G Orlay, K Smith
A new approach to avoid unnecessary fluid- fasting in healthy children
Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick Australia since 2010 has offered all children (excluding delayed gastric emptying patients) in hospital a clear fluid on an hourly basis before surgery. Their protocol is more liberal than current college guidelines. A retrospective audit revealed no increase in aspiration or regurgitation with the more liberal regime. “Patients and their parents are noticeably less distressed by prolonged patient fasting. Nursing staff are happy to be able to offer fluid to children who are thirsty. The considerable number of phone calls made to the operating theatre form the ward has fallen to almost zero.”
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2015; 114:477-482
Author: Schmidt AR, Buehler P, Seglias L, Startk T, Brotschi B, Renner T et al
Gastric pH and residual volume after 1 and 2 hours fasting time for clear fluids in children.
One hour clear fluid fasting does not alter gastric pH or residual volume significantly compared with 2h fasting.
Abstracts of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists Combined Scientific Congress Darwin, Northern Territory 12-15 Sept 2015
Author: Dr Monica Diczbalis and Associate Professor Ross Kerridge
What really happens? Are your guidelines being followed? An Audit of fasting times.
Prospective data from 120 consecutive adult patients admitted for elective surgery at John Hunter Hospital revealed an average fasting from fluid time of 8.02 hours.